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  • Criteria for scrap of wire ropes and ropes
    1. When wire breakage occurs at or near the end of the rope sheath, even if the number is very small, it indicates that the stress in the part is very high, which may be caused by incorrect installation of the rope end. The cause of damage should be identified. If the length of the rope is allowed,
  • What about wire rope deformation?
    Wire rope is often used in construction. Wire rope takes a long time to operate and is frequently used. So the deformation of wire rope is normal. So how to deal with the deformation of wire rope?(1) Wave: The longitudinal axis of stainless steel wire rope is helical. In case of wave shape, if the l
  • Reasons for Wire Rope Elongation?
    Many business users ask the manufacturer why the wire rope will stretch, in fact, there are many reasons for stretching, along with Guangzhou Jiangang Wire Rope Co., Ltd. to understand the reason why the wire rope will stretch!Structural elongation: the elongation caused by the adjustment of the pos
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